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09/17/2019|EMO 2019 - DMG MORI Academy

Promotion of young talent on a world-class level

The DMG MORI Academy transfers knowledge in the field of metal cutting worldwide and with its experience and modern technologies is increasingly promoting young talent for the industry.

  • NEF 360 LZ: New conventional turning machine for training purposes
  • FP 4 M Special Edition: Conventional milling machine that can be used universally in every workshop
  • Training 4.0: CNC machine package at special reduced prices for educational institutions and training workshops
  • Special Youth Show: DMG MORI Academy will be presenting in total four training machines for pupils and trainers in Hall 25
  • WorldSkills: Sponsor of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 World Championship with 45 high-tech machines for seven disciplines in the competition

Competent and motivated employees are the backbone of future-oriented manufacturing companies. In particular young upcoming specialists are more in demand than ever before. The DMG MORI Academy supports such young specialists with products tailor-made for educational institutes and training workshops, a strong commitment to the Youth Education and Development Foundation for Mechanical Engineering and as a global industry partner of WorldSkills International. The DMG MORI Academy will be giving an insight into its work during the EMO and within the framework of the Special Youth Show 2019 will address the specialists of the future and their teachers and trainers directly.

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As part of the Special Youth Show 2019 the DMG MORI Academy will demonstrate innovative technologies in order to awake the enthusiasm of young pupils for technical professions. The Special Youth Show was last held at the AMB 2018, where the DMG MORI Academy together with WorldSkills Germany simultaneously organized the German championship in CNC turning.

The Youth Education and Development Foundation for Mechanical Engineering is organizing the Special Youth Show with the aim of awaking the interest of both young people for technological professions as well as specialist teachers and trainers for new technologies. Over 4,000 school children and 1,500 trainers and teachers are expected in Hall 25. The program on offer during the Special Youth Show ranges from a contact exchange with companies to an informative stage program and on to include the digitization offensive in vocational training and practical applications such as the process chains involved the production of a remote-controlled Formula 1 model car. As one of the partners taking part the DMG MORI Academy will demonstrate this process chain as well as in total four modern training machines, including the CNC universal turning machine NEF 400 and the 5-axis milling machine DMU 50 2nd Generation, on which the wheel rim and cockpit of the model car are produced respectively. These machines will be offered at special reduced prices for schools and training workshops as part of the special campaign “Training 4.0”. The DMG MORI Academy will also be presenting an “FP 4 M Special Edition” to professional visitors, a machine that can be used universally in every workshop and training department.

NEF 360 LZ: Accurate and user-friendly training machine

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Designed especially for conventional production and training the NEF 360 LZ, which is made in Germany, unites precision in toolmaking accuracy with user-friendly features and extensive safety equipment.

Another exhibit at the Special Youth Show is the new conventional turning machine NEF 360 LZ from DMG MORI. Designed especially for conventional production and training the screw cutting and bar lathe made in Germany unites precision in toolmaking accuracy with user-friendly features and extensive safety equipment. The intuitive operation including thread and taper turning cycles as well as the infinitely variable input of speed and feed via the DMG MORI screen display offer beginners in machining in particular a user-friendly learning experience.

WorldSkills: Global Industry Partner and sponsor of the vocational world championship

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As a Global Industry Partner of WorldSkills International and sponsor since 2007, DMG MORI supports the vocational world championship with an extensive machine portfolio, technical on-site support and preparation courses for the participants as it did recently for the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 in Russia.

With enthusiasm for technical professions the participants in the WorldSkills vocational competition make their way to the starting blocks in different disciplines. As a Global Industry Partner of WorldSkills International and sponsor since 2007, DMG MORI supports the vocational world championship with an extensive machine portfolio, technical on-site support and preparation courses for the participants. 45 high-tech machines were provided for in total seven competition disciplines at the last WorldSkills 2019 that took place from 22. to 27. August in Russian Kazan – 17 DMU 50 2nd Generation machines, 16 CTX 310 ecolines, nine DMC 635 V ecolines, a CTX beta 800 TC with Robo2Go and two LASERTEC 30 SLM 2nd Generation machines. DMG MORI will continue with its support of the world championship, which takes place every two year, also in 2021 in Shanghai.

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