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12/21/2018|Open House Pfronten 2019 - Preview

Value creation at all production phases

With 70 high-tech machines, two world premieres and the future-orientated focus topics of digitalization, automation and ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, the upcoming Open House at DECKEL MAHO Pfronten will be dominated by integrated manufacturing solutions for integral processes.

  • World premiere: DMP 70 – Dynamic production machines for the most diverse industries
  • World premiere: LASERTEC 125 Shape – Efficient surface structuring of large mold
  • Integrated Digitization: Products and solutions for the integrated digitalization of manufacturing processes
    • Live tours of the production facilities of DECKEL MAHO Pfronten
  • 20 automation solutions live: More value creation through integral automation
  • ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Intelligent software solutions for optimal process parameters
  • DMG MORI Technology Excellence: Aerospace and Die & Mold
  • DMQP: Quality guarantee thanks to innovation partnerships
  • 70 high-tech machines on 7,500 m²
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At the start of the EMO exhibition year, DMG MORI will be presenting 70 high-tech machines, 20 of them with automation and the world premieres of the DMP 70 and LASERTEC 125 Shape, at its Open House event at DECKEL MAHO Pfronten from 22 to 26 January 2019The future-orientated focus topics are the areas of digitalization and digital offers for production and service, integrated automation solutions for competitive manufacturing and ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. Here DMG MORI will present the latest LASERTEC 12 SLM to be introduced and the intelligent OPTOMET software for the powder bed method. With this year’s focal points, DMG MORI will be concentrating all their efforts on the entire value-added chain for the user. The DMG MORI Aerospace and Die & Mold Technology Excellence Center is an exemplary point of contact where experienced experts design path-breaking and productive manufacturing solutions. DMG MORI demonstrates this expertise in an exhibition space of 7,500 m². A further highlight is large component machining in the XXL-Center where a DMU 600 P with a double table will be presented for the first time. The range of DMG MORI Qualified Products round off the Open House program with the latest innovations in the area of peripherals and accessories and, in particular, the newly developed DMQP Certificate Program, which offers a diverse selection of high-performance tool systems at exclusive conditions.

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With a footprint of 4.2 m², the new DMP 70 is an exceptionally compact production machine for applications in demanding industries.

World premiere: DMP 70
Dynamic production machine for the most diverse industries

DMG MORI has designed the extremely compact production machine with a footprint of just 4.2 m² for medical technology applications, in the job shop area, but also for the aerospace sector and other demanding industries. Traveling paths of 700 x 420 x 380 mm offer space for a wide range of components, making the DMP 70 the perfect addition to existing machine parks. It machines complex workpieces highly dynamically with fast traverse speeds of up to 60 m/min and acceleration of up to 2 g. Tool change is dynamic with a chip-to-chip time of 1.5 seconds. The tool magazine has space for up to 25 tools and its metal clips ensure that it is robust for the long-term. A sturdy one-piece machine bed made of cast iron, direct absolute travel measuring systems as standard and an optimal cooling system ensure the required precision. Automation solutions such as the workpiece handling WH 3 CELL, which the DMP 70 is presented with at the Open House, can be flexibly connected from the right, left or the front.

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The LASERTEC 125 Shape has been specially designed for texturing large molds up to Ø 1,250 x 700 mm.

World premiere: LASERTEC 125 Shape
Efficient surface structuring of large molds

DMG MORI will present the LASERTEC 125 Shape – the latest highlight from the series – at the Open House in Pfronten as a world premiere. It has been specially designed for surface structuring of large molds up to ø 1,250 x 700 mm for workpiece weights of up to a maximum of 2,600 kg (optionally available with tandem drive). The optional high-speed Z-shifter increases the travel speed in the Z-direction from 1.5 m/s to 4 m/s, while the laser achieves a pulse rate of up to 1,000 kHz. The texture quality was able to be optimized once again while maintaining the high process speeds. The result is up to 69 percent shorter process times and thus significantly lower costs per component.

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Products and solutions for integrated digitalization of manufacturing.
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The technology leader will present pathways towards networked production at the Open House under the catchphrase integrated digitization.

Integrated Digitization
Products and solutions for integrated digitalization of manufacturing processes

As a pioneer of digitalization in the area of machine tool manufacture, DMG MORI continues to consider it a strategic future-oriented field. The technology leader will present pathways towards networked production at the Open House under the catchphrase Integrated Digitization. During the Open House, DMG MORI will invite its visitors to take a 45-minute Digital Pfronten Tour, in which digital products and solutions for integrated digitalization will be presented. DMG MORI will be presenting PRODUCTION PLANNING at five stations for workforce planning at DECKEL MAHO Pfronten and a fully integrated production planning and control system and the PREPARATION & PRODUCTION area for the digital process of manufacturing a mold insert – from job scheduling using a CAD/CAM system (Siemens NX) and CELOS PC Version through to production on the DMC 1850 V with CELOS Version 5. After a DIGITIZATION SHOW of DMG MORI products for digitization of the entire value-added chain, the tour will be rounded off with MONITORING with the DMG MORI MESSENGER, CONDITION ANALYZER, PERFORMANCE MONITOR and PRODUCTION COCKPIT and, in the area of SERVICE & MAINTENANCE, with WERKBLiQ. Amongst other things, the web-based and multi-vendor platform makes it possible to manage the maintenance of a total of eight 5-axis milling machining centers and three universal surface grinding machines in mechanical manufacturing and the 17 milling machining centers in the Technology Center at DECKEL MAHO Pfronten. Moreover, the benefits of the direct service support with the new NETservice including the SERVICEcamera will be demonstrated live to the visitors.

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The Robo2Go is a flexible tool handling system for lathes.

More value creation through integral automation solutions

Automated machines are crucial components of a digital factory and are therefore an integral part of Industry 4.0. DMG MORI is the pioneer of digitalization in machine tool construction, and considers automation to be a strategic future-orientated field. The joint venture DMG MORI HEITEC supports DMG MORI in the development and realization of flexible automation solutions, such as workpiece handling. The automation expertise for pallet handling is directly integrated into the production plants of DMG MORI. The interplay between engineering from the DMG MORI production plants and automation expertise on the part of DMG MORI HEITEC provides the user with a customized, integrated and reliable solution – and everything from a single source. Additional service features from DMG MORI HEITEC comprise configuration through to the operation of the system – including the modification or expansion of a system for additional products.

The latest examples of DMG MORI’s automation expertise are the Robo2Go 2nd Generation for flexible workpiece handling on lathes and the wide range of pallet handling systems. A PH 150 with up to twelve pallets and a maximum load capacity of 250 kg is displayed on a DMU 65 monoBLOCK. A DMU 85 monoBLOCK is presented by DMG MORI with the new PH 400. The PH 400 is the ideal pallet automation system for loading large workpieces up to 800 kg for DMU machines. It is also available for the DMU 80 P duoBLOCK and DMU 90 P duoBLOCK for palettes up to a weight of 800 kg.

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The DMG MORI portfolio comprises four complete process chains for additive processes with the powder nozzle and in the powder bed.

Intelligent software solutions for optimal process parameters

As a global full-liner with over 20 years of experience in ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING of metallic components, DMG MORI stands for innovative manufacturing technology and worldwide service. The portfolio comprises four complete process chains for additive processes with the powder nozzle and in the powder bed. For this integral offer, DMG MORI combines its additive machines from the LASERTEC 3D and LASERTEC SLM series with the machining centers of the wide-ranging machine portfolio. The continuous further development of additive manufacturing is demonstrated by the machine tool manufacturer with the most recently introduced LASERTEC 12 SLM and the innovative software solution OPTOMET. The DMG MORI Academy complements the service range in ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING with a consultancy approach that is specially tailored for this sector.

With a focus diameter of just 35 µm, the new LASERTEC 12 SLM is four times more precise than the current industry standard. This allows a significantly finer structure resolution, which in turn makes thinner wall thicknesses possible. At the same time, the powder bed machine offers a construction volume of 125 x 125 x 200 mm, which is unique for this precision class. The user-friendly Stealth Design and the rePLUG powder module – familiar from the LASERTEC 30 SLM 2nd Generation for material changes in less than two hours – guarantee a high degree of process automation and high work safety. 

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OPTOMET automatically calculates the optimal process parameters, simplifies programming and leads to significantly improved surface qualities and reproducible material properties.

With a 30-percent share in the Indian software developer, INTECH, DMG MORI has opened up access to important software and technology know-how for generative production. As a pioneer in the area of 3D printing in India, the company has specialized in ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING and thus the associated software solutions – including artificial intelligence for this industry. One of the initial results of this cooperation is the new OPTOMET software, which INTECH offers for the DMG MORI LASERTEC SLM series. It automatically calculates the optimal process parameters. This simplifies programming and leads to significantly improved surface qualities and reproducible material properties.

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The DMG MORI Aerospace Excellence Center develops optimal manufacturing solutions for applications in the aerospace sector.

DMG MORI Technology Excellence: Aerospace

Thanks to its early involvement in product development, planning new production units and sites by the customers, the DMG MORI Aerospace Excellence Center at DECKEL MAHO Pfronten is able to develop optimal and integral manufacturing solutions in the aerospace sector. DMG MORI has over 20 years of technology experience ranging from complex 5-axis simultaneous milling through complete machining using milling-turning technology including the integration of grinding and ULTRASONIC milling. Highlights of the DMG MORI Aerospace Excellence Center are the industry-typical applications such as e.g. an angular head resolution for housing production on a DMU 125 FD duoBLOCK. Here the front tools can be automatically changed. The sensor-controlled Tool Control Center (TCC) on a DMC 65 monoBLOCK ensures greater process reliability, allowing you to react swiftly to unplanned tool wear so that the workpiece and machines can be protected from damage.

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The machines in the XXL-Center process tool molds up to 6,000 mm.

DMG MORI Technology Excellence: Die & Mold

DMG MORI has always placed great importance on die and mold applications, which on the one hand has resulted in the enormous experience in this field and on the other has given rise to path-breaking technology solutions. The versatile projects in the DMG MORI Die & Mold Excellence Center focus on an enormous range of workpieces – from 10 mm punches up to 6,000 mm workpiece molds, which all find sufficient space in the XXL machining center. The latest presentation in this area is the DMU 600 P with double table. The DMG MORI Technology Cycle VCS Complete on the DMC 85 monoBLOCK supports good accuracy. Moreover, DMG MORI can guarantee surfaces of up to 0.15 µm with reliably accurate linear drives, measuring systems by MAGNESCALE and speedMASTER spindles with up to 30,000 rpm and HSC spindles with 60,000 rpm. DMG MORI has been continuously setting new standards for surface structuring with the LASERTEC Shape series to be able to offer its customers integral manufacturing solutions.

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Certified DMQP partners have to satisfy the most stringent requirements relating to innovative capacity, technological expertise and quality.

Quality guarantee thanks to innovation partnerships and DMQP certificate

The highest machine performance and the best-possible component quality can only be achieved with coordinated and certified technology and peripheral components. DMG MORI thus defines its high demand on quality within the scope of the DMG MORI Qualified Products (DMQP) program. The supporting pillars of this DMG MORI quality guarantee are the many years of innovation partnerships for peripherals and accessories. DMQP partners have to satisfy the most stringent requirements relating to innovative capacity, technological expertise and quality. Coordinated interfaces, securing connectivity, price maintenance and defined warranty conditions ensure optimal productivity of their manufacturing solutions for DMG MORI customers.

At the same time, DMG MORI has recently begun to offer its customers DMQP certificates. The DMQP certificate offers DMG MORI customers unique benefits:
A diverse selection of high-performance tool systems, individually compiled by the DMQP partner experts at exclusive conditions.

Contact us for all issues related to the DMG MORI technical press.